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This was the most amazing “escape” I have been on!! This trip was not the typical all-inclusive trip some may be looking for… It was certainly filled with daily adventure hiking, kayaking, waterfall repelling and zip lining in primary rainforest!! Not only were the activities fabulous, but our host, Martine, made the experience priceless with her passion for educating us on the conservation efforts in the Osa Peninsula and how we can all help! Overall a life-changing experience for me!!! HIGHLY recommended.

I miss the Osa soooo much already. […] I had the time of my life and I’m finding it hard to justly describe the experience to people because it was so unique! I cringe when people think it was an all inclusive!!!! Thank you Martine for being a fantastic host – you made it the awesome experience it was – and went above and beyond to make it so enjoyable for us. It definitely changed my life!!

Home is not so sweet. LOL I miss the OSA soooooooooo much! What a great trip. I actually thought I was going to cry when I got to Casa Roland on Sat. LOL I’ve made my boyfriend promise to come back with me next year!

Not only was it the best trip I’ve ever been on, but as cliché or cheesy as it might sound, it was truly an enriching experience for me and I think about it every day. I also really appreciate the extra things you guys did for me (the awesome cabana, the cigars at night-time, the waterfall rappelling, the zip lining) that was above and beyond any expectations

Here is my fabulous review… “RR Escape” changed my life. I arrived a shell of of man and left a zip lining, yoga master, mountain climbing Mothaw Fuckaw … Thanks to you. I miss you and love you all!

I have one word to describe this trip. Incredible!!!! Actually, perhaps a second word is required. Unbelievable!! Maybe even a third,.. but I really cannot think of one right now. You must all do this trip and do it absolutely through RR Escape, at least once in your life, but the sooner the better. I don’t have to tell you that I took a ton of photos, almost 3000. There are many stunning photos of animals, wild waterfalls, river hikes, gold miners, jungle hikes, the ecolodge…. really too much to list in a simple note.

When people ask me about Costa Rica I usually have a few choice words or phrases. Wow! It was AMAZING! It’s almost hard to encapsulate the experience that I had for you without you actually experiencing it. It was so many things. Relaxing, beautiful, rejuvenating, meditative, spiritually fulfilling and many other words from Webster’s dictionary. It was a life changing experience. One that I will never forget. One that every human being should experience. I Love You RR Escape and Osa Peninsula. Please take my hand! It felt like being on the best retreat of my life. The land, the FOOD, the people, the AMAZING hostess (Martine), the ocean, the sunset, the serenity, the secluded beach, the yoga and the Halloween Crabs. So many things to list. It was all so magical. I hope to return sooner rather than later.

Here is what I miss about my escape: Falling asleep to the lull of the ocean. Waking up to the flutter of a hummingbird feeding footsteps away from my bed. Every meal from the garden that I LIVE in. NO fluorescent lights, grey cubicles, or buzzing blackberries. Hiking to a waterfall on Day 1, then to a Bigger waterfall on Day 2, and RAPPELLING down a BIGGER waterfall on Day 3. Monkeys watching me during my yoga practice. A green volcano birthday cake. No walls. New friends. Dancing under a Disco ball in the jungle.

Mon expérience RR Escape ! Tout a commencé lorsque l’avion, qui me transportait depuis San José, atterrissait au port de Puerto Jimenez, la charmante ville d’accueil sur la péninsule de Osa. Je fus complètement enchantée par ce village et par le sourire des gens, et sans oublier, par la famille d’alligators naturellement établie dans le lagon entourant le village. Curieusement, je n’avais pas peur d’eux ! On dirait qu’ils protégeaient les gens et qu’ils vivaient en harmonie avec eux ! Ce fût ma première rencontre avec la péninsule de Osa, semblable à un énorme signe de bienvenue dans un monde ou la faune et la flore est prioritaire et surtout, respectée. Le trajet de trois heures dans la boîte arrière du taxi de jungle qui m’emmena à l’auberge écologique de Carate, à travers rivières, arbres tropicaux, singes hurleurs, paresseux, papillons bleus, fleurs rouges éclatantes… me sonna une cloche à l’oreille : L’aventure RR Escape ne faisait que commencer ! Mes yeux étaient déjà très éblouis de tout ce que j’avais pu voir durant le trajet… mes fesses eux, souffraient un peu le martyr mais étaient pourtant capable d’en prendre encore et encore !:) S’en est suivis aventures en forêt, trekking en rivières, marches nocturnes sur la plage pour l’observation des tortues de mer (ou nous avons pu voir à l’œuvre une ‘’green turtle’’ pondre ses œufs, la 2e plus grosse tortue de la région!), kayak dans un lagon, visite d’une ferme biologique, et quelques arrêts au bar de la jungle pour décompresser et pour se rappeler que nous étions en vacances quand même ! À travers cette aventure inoubliable, trois choses m’ont énormément marquées : La nourriture bio et locale absolument divine et bien préparée, la tranquillité et le côté apaisant d’une nature bondée de sons tropicaux (singes, océan, écorces des arbres, vent, bourdonnement) qui, à priori, peut sembler bruyante et dérangeante. Finalement, le côté sauvage des animaux qui nous observent de loin, intrigués par nos faits et gestes. Cela m’a prouvé que NOUS étions dans leur environnement et non l’inverse, contrairement à ce qu’on peut vivre dans d’autres parties du pays ou les singes, par exemple, viennent manger dans nos mains. J’ai adoré cette escapade loin de la vie touristique et capitaliste. Je le recommande à tous !

I am glad to have made the effort to see and photograph this amazing location. I would like to have spent more time on the Osa to enjoy it more.

It was a completely enriching experience. It’s impossible to come back not feeling different about yourself and the world we live in. I enjoyed every minute of my time there, and everyone involved (from our hostess Martine to the staff at Finca Exotica, to the cab drivers) only enhanced the experience. I would do it again in a second!

This was a great experience. The ability to step back from the craziness of your workweek was so worthwhile. The group of people we were able to share the experience with was amazing. Martine you were great, both in the ability to help us enjoy the environment around us as well as appreciate the whole “escape” experience

This was a life-changing experience for me to not only travel somewhere exotic, but feel part of a bigger cause, such as protecting the Osa Peninsula by learning so much about the culture, environment; and also staying at the Ecolodge.

Absolutely amazing. It’s a thrill of a lifetime experience. It’s an eye opener to a different world and lifestyle. Martine our hostess was absolutely fantastic and made our adventure the most memorable one by far. Thank you.

RR Escape is very much like stepping out of your everyday life and stepping into a different world. In this case it was a world of lots of sun, ocean, beach, wild animal sightings, rainforest hikes and great food. Every day was filled with experiences that excluded our usual escapes of internet and TV that I went to bed at 9pm very tired from the days hikes and got up at 6-7am ready for new adventures.

Memorable. Unique. Life changing. Martine is the ultimate host. An absolute MUST for anyone contemplating a new kind of adventure.

A return to mother nature. Enjoyed discovering the animals and beautiful birds. A chance to be fascinated by plants and fruits and develop some knowledge of the wonderful eco-system. Delicious and healthy cuisine! Stunning architecture and lodge settings. Lovely, friendly people who do everything they can to make your trip fun, exciting and comfortable. Excellent hospitality. A truly relaxing and unique experience!
One line reviews say it all...
It was an adventure.
My best vacation ever and I have been to Costa Rica 10 times!
An absolutely amazing experience.
Amazing! The best vacation of my life!
The jungle trip of a lifetime.
The most amazing, unique trip I’ve ever taken hands down!
RR Escape!!!.Truly a magical experience!
Absolutely amazing. One of the best vacations my husband and I have ever been on.
It is an intense experience. Unique and different in every way.
Everyone should have this experience.. Just go for it!